We specialize in GPS Value-added services
GPS Map Updating services provided by BetterGPS * UPDATING:
With the constructions always going on, your GPS needs frequent map updates. Or if you're planning a trip to other countries, you need the
maps for your destinations.
            * UPGRADING:
GPS upgrading services provided by BetterGPSIf your GPS is a cheap one that has no good at all and no map updates available. We probably can upgrade the whole system to make it much better than a luxury GPS that is double or triple the price.

Finding NO Way to Go? Come Here NOW!
Why come to BetterGPS to do the GPS update and upgrade

GPS without map updates will probably still can take you to Rome, but it might not lead you to the best route (shortest or fastest, etc.).

We have heard many stories from our dear friends that they spent double or triple the expected time on route due to out-of-date maps in their GPS, or accidents happen when people trying to figure out what's going on with their GPS. That' the reason why we provide these services.

  • Current Service Region:
BetterGPS is serving Calgary, Alberta, Canada and surrounding areasCalgary (and surrounding areas), Alberta, Canada
  • Current Payment method:
Cash Payment preferred by BetterGPSCash preferred.
We just started! Sorry to all the friends out of our service region. We will expand our services and provide more payment options in a later time. Please be patient! Hopefully you will be able to enjoy our superb services soon!

Best Services at Best Prices

GPS Services Guarantee by BetterGPS We provide guarantee to the services we perform.
Our prices are very reasonable because we understand the great frustration of losing our way and we don't want anyone to feel that frustration any more.
Besides, we have an attractive Discount Program for Referral, Bulk, and Return Customer Purchases. Basically the more you or your friends buy, the more discounts you will get. That's the way how our world turns better!

  • Our Guarantee:

If any SD card you bought from us stops working within three months, just bring it back to us and we will exchange it with another one (might contain newer maps) for free.

(See us for terms & conditions in detail)
If there's new release of the map you bought available within three months, you can come back to get it for free too.

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